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History, Writing

“Politics and the English Language”

George Orwell was a treasure of the twentieth century. His legacy has largely been defined by two of his greatest books: 1984 and Animal Farm.

But a lesser known work of his was an essay written in 1946, entitled simply “Politics and the English Language.” It remains a classic example of prose, and again demonstrates Orwell’s supreme grasp of communication. I have read it countless times, and keep a copy at my desk.

It is worth pausing a few minutes from whatever you’re doing to read.

Submitted for your approval, George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language.


2 thoughts on ““Politics and the English Language”

  1. You seem to be a talent writer and fairly worldly. Seemed an odd match to me. You will glad you parted ways. How do I know this? I dated her too for 3 yrs. 🙂

    Posted by Devon | 04/30/2010, 10:45 pm


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